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Archer ~ 25.1. 2025
Autor of the book (story): Louis Mirman
Art / illustration by: Philippe Munch
Publisher: Paris : Gallimard ~ 1985

AMoonstick - The Seasons of the Sioux, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1985 AMoonstick - The Seasons of the Sioux, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1985
AMoonstick - The Seasons of the Sioux, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1985 AMoonstick - The Seasons of the Sioux, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1985
AMoonstick - The Seasons of the Sioux, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1985 AMoonstick - The Seasons of the Sioux, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1985
AMoonstick - The Seasons of the Sioux, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1985 AMoonstick - The Seasons of the Sioux, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1985
AMoonstick - The Seasons of the Sioux, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1985 AMoonstick - The Seasons of the Sioux, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1985
AMoonstick - The Seasons of the Sioux, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1985 AMoonstick - The Seasons of the Sioux, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1985
AMoonstick - The Seasons of the Sioux, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1985 AMoonstick - The Seasons of the Sioux, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1985
AMoonstick - The Seasons of the Sioux, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1985 AMoonstick - The Seasons of the Sioux, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1985
AMoonstick - The Seasons of the Sioux, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1985 AMoonstick - The Seasons of the Sioux, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1985
AMoonstick - The Seasons of the Sioux, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1985 AMoonstick - The Seasons of the Sioux, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1985
AMoonstick - The Seasons of the Sioux, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1985 AMoonstick - The Seasons of the Sioux, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1985

Grite parmi les loups

Archer ~ 25.1. 2025
Autor of the book (story): Louis Mirman
Art / illustration by: Philippe Munch
Publisher: Paris : Gallimard ~ 1987

Grite parmi les loups, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1987 Grite parmi les loups, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1987
Grite parmi les loups, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1987 Grite parmi les loups, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1987
Grite parmi les loups, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1987 Grite parmi les loups, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1987
Grite parmi les loups, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1987 Grite parmi les loups, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1987
Grite parmi les loups, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1987 Grite parmi les loups, by Louis Mirman, illustrated by Philippe Munch, Paris : Gallimard ~ 1987

Kentucky frontiersmen
the adventures of Henry Ware
hunter and border fighter

Archer ~ 25.1. 2025
Autor of the book (story): Joseph A. Altsheler
Art / illustration by: Todd Doney
Publisher: Nashville, Tenn. : Voyageur Pub. Co. ~ 1988

entucky frontiersmen  the adventures of Henry Ware hunter and border fighter, by Joseph A. Altsheler, illustrated by Todd  Doney,  Nashville, Tenn. : Voyageur Pub. Co. entucky frontiersmen  the adventures of Henry Ware hunter and border fighter, by Joseph A. Altsheler, illustrated by Todd  Doney,  Nashville, Tenn. : Voyageur Pub. Co.

The American Indian

Archer ~ 24.1. 2025
Autor of the book (story): Sydney E. Fletcher
Art / illustration by: N/A
Publisher: New York : Grosset & Dunlap ~ 1954
Source (I):

The American Indian, by Sydney E. Fletcher, illustrated by N/A, New York : Grosset & Dunlap ~ 1954 The American Indian, by Sydney E. Fletcher, illustrated by N/A, New York : Grosset & Dunlap ~ 1954

My Indian boyhood

Archer ~ 24.1. 2025
Autor of the book (story): Luther Standing Bear
Art / illustration by: N/A
Publisher: Boston, New York : Houghton Mifflin company ~ 1931
Source (full book):

My Indian boyhood, by John Henry Cutler, illustrated by Ursula Koering, Boston, New York : Houghton Mifflin company ~ 1931 My Indian boyhood, by John Henry Cutler, illustrated by Ursula Koering, Boston, New York : Houghton Mifflin company ~ 1931
My Indian boyhood, by John Henry Cutler, illustrated by Ursula Koering, Boston, New York : Houghton Mifflin company ~ 1931 My Indian boyhood, by John Henry Cutler, illustrated by Ursula Koering, Boston, New York : Houghton Mifflin company ~ 1931

King Philip
Loyal Indian

Archer ~ 24.1. 2025
Autor of the book (story): Cecile Pepin Edwards
Art / illustration by: Forrest Orr
Publisher: Boston : Houghton Mifflin
Source (full book):

King Philip ~ Loyal Indian, by Cecile Pepin Edwards, illustrated by Forrest Orr, Boston : Houghton Mifflin King Philip ~ Loyal Indian, by Cecile Pepin Edwards, illustrated by Forrest Orr, Boston : Houghton Mifflin
King Philip ~ Loyal Indian, by Cecile Pepin Edwards, illustrated by Forrest Orr, Boston : Houghton Mifflin King Philip ~ Loyal Indian, by Cecile Pepin Edwards, illustrated by Forrest Orr, Boston : Houghton Mifflin
King Philip ~ Loyal Indian, by Cecile Pepin Edwards, illustrated by Forrest Orr, Boston : Houghton Mifflin King Philip ~ Loyal Indian, by Cecile Pepin Edwards, illustrated by Forrest Orr, Boston : Houghton Mifflin
King Philip ~ Loyal Indian, by Cecile Pepin Edwards, illustrated by Forrest Orr, Boston : Houghton Mifflin King Philip ~ Loyal Indian, by Cecile Pepin Edwards, illustrated by Forrest Orr, Boston : Houghton Mifflin
King Philip ~ Loyal Indian, by Cecile Pepin Edwards, illustrated by Forrest Orr, Boston : Houghton Mifflin King Philip ~ Loyal Indian, by Cecile Pepin Edwards, illustrated by Forrest Orr, Boston : Houghton Mifflin
King Philip ~ Loyal Indian, by Cecile Pepin Edwards, illustrated by Forrest Orr, Boston : Houghton Mifflin King Philip ~ Loyal Indian, by Cecile Pepin Edwards, illustrated by Forrest Orr, Boston : Houghton Mifflin
King Philip ~ Loyal Indian, by Cecile Pepin Edwards, illustrated by Forrest Orr, Boston : Houghton Mifflin King Philip ~ Loyal Indian, by Cecile Pepin Edwards, illustrated by Forrest Orr, Boston : Houghton Mifflin
King Philip ~ Loyal Indian, by Cecile Pepin Edwards, illustrated by Forrest Orr, Boston : Houghton Mifflin King Philip ~ Loyal Indian, by Cecile Pepin Edwards, illustrated by Forrest Orr, Boston : Houghton Mifflin
