Obrázek dne - the picture of the day - ’awa rel

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -  Art of  Tony Begay, Navajo
3060. Art of Tony Begay

3317 x 1860 pix
Tony Begay was born in 1941 in Ganado, Arizona on the Navajo Reservation. Begay served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1962 to 1966, during which time he was commissioned to paint murals at the officer’s clubs at Camp Horno and Camp Pendleton, California. After leaving the military his focus turned to his art career with his first one-man show held at the Heard Museum in Phoenix, Arizona in 1970. Tony Begay's life was cut short in an unfortunate accident in 1973.
Source: www.facebook.com ~ American Indian Fine Arts
30.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -  Art of  Nick Eggenhofer,  Indians On Horseback On The Plains
3059. Art of Joe Waano-Gano

3317 x 1860 pix
isplaying his prodigious skills at an early age, this sketch by Cherokee artist Joe Waano-Gano was completed in 1928 when the artist was 22 years old. Waano-Gano (waáno meaning "bow" and gano meaning "arrow" in the Iroquois language, Seneca dialect) lectured on Native American life, created Native American designs for textiles, and executed murals in Rapid City, South Dakota and in San Francisco.
Source: www.facebook.com ~ American Indian Fine Arts
29.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -  Art of  Albert White, Mohawk
3058. Art of Albert White

3317 x 1860 pix
Similar to stickball, lacrosse had its origins in a tribal game played by eastern Woodlands Native Americans. Today’s piece by Mohawk artist Albert White features a traditional lacrosse player. Known as dehuntshigwa'es in Oee ("little war"), Tewaaraton in Mohawk language ("little brother of war"), baaga`adowe in Ojibwe ("bump hips"), lacrosse is one of the oldest team sports in the Americas. Traditional lacrosse games were sometimes major events that could last several days. As many as 100 to 1,000 men from opposing villages or tribes would participate. The games were played in open plains located between the two villages, and the goals could range from 500 yards (460 m) to 6 miles (9.7 km) apart.
Source: www.facebook.com ~ American Indian Fine Arts
28.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -  Poslední Mohykán, ilustrace
3057. Poslední Mohykán, ilustrace
3317 x 1860 pix
Source: N/A - lost
28.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -  The Messenger / Olaf Carl Seltzer
3056. Art of Olaf Carl Seltzer
The Messenger

3317 x 1860 pix
Source: private collection of a website supporter
27.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -  Art of  Nick Eggenhofer,  Indians On Horseback On The Plains
3055. Art of Nick Eggenhofer
Indians On Horseback On The Plains

3317 x 1860 pix
Source: santafeartauction.com
26.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -  Art of  Hans G. Kresse (?)
3054. Art of Hans G. Kresse (?)
3317 x 1860 pix
Source: N/A - source(s) contain malware, so I do not link it here for your safety
25.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -  Poslední Mohykán, ilustrace
3053. Poslední Mohykán, ilustrace
3317 x 1860 pix
Source: N/A - lost
24.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -   Loinclothed Namibia
3052. Loinclothed Namibia
3317 x 1860 pix
Source: www.flickr.com ~ Heribert Bechen
22.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -  Kalahari San,  Tribe Khomas Namibia South Western Africa
3051. Kalahari San
Tribe Khomas Namibia South Western Africa

3317 x 1860 pix
Source: www.flickr.com ~ In Memoriam Ngaire Hart
23.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -  Poblado Emberá
3050. Poblado Emberá
2304 x 3456 pix
Emberá kid carrying a traditional rawhide drum (tambora de dos cueros), which is made with deer skin. The Embera people share many of their traditional instruments with other native people of Central America, such as the Wounan.
Source: www.flickr.com - Dan
21.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -  Poblado Emberá
3049. Poblado Emberá
2304 x 3456 pix
Source: www.flickr.com - Dan
20.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -  Loinclothed on the route
3048. Loinclothed on the route
1357 x 2048 pix
Source: twitter.com
19.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -  Triangle red loincloth
3047. Red triangle loincloth
Triangle shape or just twisted...

1063 x 1600 pix
Source: N/A - lost
18.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -  Bad time for white visitor
3046. Bad time for white visitor
534 x 800 pix
Source: N/A - Lost
17.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -  Art of Z.S. Liang,  A Prized Trophy From a Blue Coat’s Encounter
3045. Art of Z.S. Liang
A Prized Trophy From a Blue Coat’s Encounter

972 x 1500 pix
Source: (used to be here) ~ legacygallery.com
16.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -  Art of Kupčík Libor, Vysoký Kůň na námluvách ~ ilustrace
3044. Art of Kupčík Libor
Vysoký Kůň na námluvách ~ ilustrace

1500 x 2350 pix
Source: private - loinclothed supporter of the website
15.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -  Art of Zdeněk Burian, Píseň o Hiawathovi
3043. Art of Zdeněk Burian
Píseň o Hiawathovi

419 x 740 pix
Source: www.daildeli.cz
14.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -  Art of Frank Frazetta, A Princess of Mars
3042. Art of Frank Frazetta
A Princess of Mars

885 x 1600 pix
Source: www.erbzine.com
13.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -  Loinclothed illustration
3041. Loinclothed illustration
230 x 504 pix
Source: N/A - lost
12.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -  Art of John Buxton, Practice For Combat
3040. Art of John Buxton
Practice For Combat

351 x 700 pix
Source: www.buxtonart.com
11.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -   indian summer camp
3039. indian summer camp 9/9
living youth noble savages, golden age in native indian style

1584 x 2866 pix
Sada těchto devíti skvělých obrázků pochází z letních táborů chlapecké skupiny v USA současné doby. Tábor(y) jsou vedeny v překrásném místě, nebojí se indiánštiny a bederky jsou součástí jejich běžných dnů i nocí. Existence takových táborů je zázrakem, žijícím mýtem, kterému se mé oko zdráhá uvěřit. Na takovém místě. V takových časech. S chlapci z generace digitálního věku. A funguje to...
Source: private source of a website´s supporter
10.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -   indian summer camp
3038. indian summer camp 8/9
3864 x 5152 pix
Source: private source of a website´s supporter
9.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -  Tom Lovell, The Vision Seeker
3037. indian summer camp 7/9
1368 x 1824 pix
Source: private source of a website´s supporter
8.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -  indian summer camp
3036. indian summer camp 6/9
1200 x 1600 pix
Source: private source of a website´s supporter
7.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -   indian summer camp
3035. indian summer camp 5/9
659 x 802 pix
Source: private source of a website´s supporter
6.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -   indian summer camp
3034. indian summer camp 4/9
1014 x 1139 pix
Source: private source of a website´s supporter
5.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -   indian summer camp
3033. indian summer camp 3/9
1824 x 1368 pix
Source: private source of a website´s supporter
4.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -   indian summer camp
3032. indian summer camp 2/9
1824 x 1368 pix
Source: private source of a website´s supporter
3.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -   indian summer camp
3031. indian summer camp 1/9
4000 x 2856 pix
Source: private source of a website´s supporter
2.11. 2021

Loinclothed hobby; Obrázek dne - the picture od the day - ’awa rel -  loinclothed gathering
3030. loinclothed gathering
2441 x 1600 pix
Source: absolutely having no any clue... any idea?
1.11. 2021

This page is part of a website project dedicated to loinclothed theme. Homepage is here.