Joseph Henry Sharp
Night Gigging
2000 x 1680 pix
"Night 'Gigging'-(Spearing fish) I used to do this and know considerable about it. Get a thrill when an eel or water snake/ wraps around one's leg! Early night has a lot of fine subdued & tonal color, particularly if one is out quite awhile and observes. Early 1910 Much repainted 1948 J.H.Sharp"
Joseph Henry Sharp
The Great Mystery
2000 x 1513 pix
"The Great Mystery- The Indian reverence for the Great Spirit is universal. They go to the mountains to fast and pray for their "medicine" and guidance. "Medicine" with Indians always Spiritual"
Joseph Henry Sharp
War Bonnet Maker
2000 x 1688 pix
War Bonnet Maker/ This bonnet was in Custer Battle & is authentic/ & procured in 1897-8-/ J.H.Sharp